Societal Shifts in Central Asia: Figures and Trends




Societal shifts in Central Asia, human capital, demographic changes, social development, population growth


Central Asia has been undergoing considerable transformations by becoming mature independent states in international arena and experiencing socio-demographic shifts. It clearly resembles the dynamics described in Moises Naím’s “The End of power” where he argues that “the more, mobility, and mentality” revolutions challenge political leaders with fluid and unpredictable environment. This article aims to do an empirical analysis of the socio-demographic changes in Central Asia to test the assumption in the regional context.

Author Biographies

  • Yerkin Tukumov, Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of RK, Kazakhstan

    Director of Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Aidar Kurmashev, Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of RK, Kazakhstan

    Head of the Asian Studies Department


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How to Cite

Tukumov, Y., & Kurmashev, A. (2024). Societal Shifts in Central Asia: Figures and Trends. Journal of Central Asian Studies, 95(3), 4-17.