Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Studying Artificial Intelligence in the Context of International Relations and International Law


  • Fatima Kukeyeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan Author
  • Medeu Kurmangali School of Law and Public Policy, Narxoz University, Kazakhstan Author
  • Dinmukhamed Aktay School of Law and Public Policy, Narxoz University, Kazakhstan Author



Artificial Intelligence, theory and methodology, international law, international relations


This article addresses one of the pressing issues regarding the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in international relations and international law. The research question revolves around defining the theoretical and methodological approaches applicable to the strategic analysis of AI utilization in these fields. In the contemporary world, there is a demand at both interstate and societal levels to define the role of AI in the political and legal spheres. This is because AI development affects crucial areas of state relations such as security, international law, ethical norms, and dependencies. The prospective use of AI technologies without corresponding legal regulation may disrupt the already fragile balance of the world order, which could be exacerbated by state competition in AI technologies and AI applications in the military domain, a grey area in international law. Analyzing this issue from the perspective of international relations and international law theory allows for examining AI's impact on state interactions and developing new application strategies. Similarly, it helps understand how international law regulates state relations, including aspects related to AI applications. By examining various theoretical concepts and methodological approaches necessary for understanding AI's impact on global affairs, including its influence on diplomacy, security, and governance structures, as well as legal and ethical issues, this article contributes to Kazakhstan's evolving discourse on AI governance and its implications for state actors.

Author Biographies

  • Fatima Kukeyeva, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan

    Doctor of History, Professor at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan) 

  • Medeu Kurmangali, School of Law and Public Policy, Narxoz University, Kazakhstan

    PhD, Professor at the School of Law and Public Policy, Narxoz University (Kazakhstan)

  • Dinmukhamed Aktay, School of Law and Public Policy, Narxoz University, Kazakhstan

    3rd year LLB student, School of Law and Public Policy, Narxoz University (Kazakhstan)


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How to Cite

Kukeyeva, F., Kurmangali, M., & Aktay, D. (2024). Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Studying Artificial Intelligence in the Context of International Relations and International Law. Journal of Central Asian Studies, 93(1), 4-21.