Water Scarcity Dynamics in Central Asia: Implications For Regional Stability
water scarcity, Central Asia, climate change, geopolitical tensions, regional cooperationAbstract
This article explores the dynamics of water scarcity in the Central Asian region and its implications for regional stability. It discusses how global environmental disasters and crises affect climate patterns and freshwater availability, emphasizing the critical shortage of fresh water anticipated soon. The research findings highlight water scarcity’s significant challenges, threatening social stability and potentially leading to geopolitical conflicts. Central Asia is identified as particularly vulnerable due to its limited water resources, which could exacerbate existing tensions and hinder regional development. It underscores the need for regional cooperation in managing water resources and implementing effective policies to mitigate the risks associated with water scarcity. Additionally, it predicts that population growth will worsen water scarcity in the region, intensifying interstate conflicts over water and energy resources. The article aims to thoroughly analyze water scarcity as a critical issue for regional stability.
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