Analysis of the Problems of "Gender Equality" in the Countries of the Middle East and Central Asia
gender equality, Middle East, Central Asia, content data, discrimination, gender policyAbstract
The article presents an analysis of the current state of gender equality in the countries of the Middle East, as well as the problems of implementing gender policy in the region and the prospects for its development. The main method in this work is the analysis of content data of available electronic resources. The authors analyzed socio-cultural and religious factors in the context of historical development, and also carried out a comparative analysis of the state of gender equality in the countries of the region and ways to resolve problems arising from discrimination based on gender. A analysis of the gender situation in the region is given in order to give a general assessment of the state of gender inequality. In addition, some aspects of gender inequality in the countries of Central Asia are analyzed. In the course of the work done, the need to revise the main provisions of the gender policy of the countries and its modernization was identified in order to achieve sustainable gender development.
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