India's Soft Power Outreach Strategy: Cultivating Its Cultural Influence in Central Asia (The Case of Kazakhstan)
soft power, India's soft power outreach strategy, smart power, cultural diplomacy, non-residential Indian influenceAbstract
This article stresses on India's Soft Power Outreach Strategy (SPOS) as a comprehensive plan that aims to increase its presence in the global arena and reinforce its position as a powerhouse country. SPOS focuses on enhancing the people-to-people connect through the tools like public diplomacy, cultural activities, educational and research collaborations, scholarships, tourism, developmental projects and so on. The article studies implementation of SPOS in Central Asia and attempts to bring about usefulness and effectiveness of soft power diplomacy in the context of Kazakhstan.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kakimzhanov A., Vedi S., Akhmedyanova D.

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