Some Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Regional Integration in Central Asia. Assessing the Potential for Economic Cooperation




Central Asia, integration, economy, competitiveness


Integration issues in Central Asia have been on the agenda both at the national and regional levels for three decades. New geo-economic and geopolitical realities that have arisen along the perimeter of the region and affect the region itself actualize the need for more confident and intensive integration. Despite the sufficient potential for cooperation and common problems in the region, the process of rapprochement between countries is rather slow. Along with this, there is a constant discourse both at the intergovernmental level and at the level of the expert community about the main factors and approaches. The key factor, which is not yet a priority at the regional and bilateral levels, is the economic one. This article is devoted to some theoretical aspects of the analysis of integration in Central Asia through elements of a systematic approach, factor and event analysis, and focuses on the economic factor at the intraregional level.

Author Biographies

  • Leila Delovarova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan

    Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and World Economy, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan)

  • Nuriddin Sultanmuratov, Institute of Asian Studies, Kazakhstan

    Leading Expert, Institute of Asian Studies (Kazakhstan)

  • Adilbek Yermekbayev, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan

    Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and World Economy, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan)


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How to Cite

Delovarova, L., Sultanmuratov, N., & Yermekbayev, A. (2023). Some Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Regional Integration in Central Asia. Assessing the Potential for Economic Cooperation. Journal of Central Asian Studies, 89(1), 32-41.