Practices of Cultural Diplomacy Development in Kazakhstan and Its Role in The Arena of International Relations
Cultural diplomacy, TurKSOY, transition to Latin graphic, the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, Assembly of People of KazakhstanAbstract
The article analyzes some practices of cultural diplomacy development in Kazakhstan and its current challenges. The role and aims of cultural diplomacy carried out by Kazakhstan has been identified and comprehensively analyzed. The challenging factors were defined in the development of Kazakh cultural diplomacy practice. The modern definitions and connotations of cultural diplomacy are listed; the concepts of the main theorists are considered. The connection and differences of cultural diplomacy with the concepts of "public diplomacy" and "soft power" are determined. When writing the article, works and articles on the topic of cultural diplomacy were studied, the method of deductive analysis was used, materials available on the Internet resources were reviewed. As a result of the study, it was determined that despite the existing problems the contribution of the cultural diplomacy of Kazakhstan to the arena of international relations is significant.
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