About the Journal

General Information and Provisions

Scientific journal «Journal of Central Asian Studies» published by KazISS under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reregistered by the Minister of Culture, Information and Public Accord of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 23, 2024, registration certificate №KZ72VPY00088070. Assigned number ISSN 3006-8061. The journal has an editorial board, an editorial policy, a publication ethics and a website.

The journal is included in the Kazakhstan Citation Database (KazCD) (https://nauka.kz/page.php?page_id=795&lang=1&impact_year=2018)

1.3. The journal publishes scientific and analytical articles in Russian and/or English. The journal is issued 4 times a year. Publication in the journal is free of charge.

1.4. Goals, objectives and thematic focus of the magazine.

The goal of the magazine is the coverage and promotion of the results of scientific research on topical issues of history, socio-economic and political development of Kazakhstan and foreign countries; activation and attraction of public interest in research activities.

The objectives of the magazine:

To engage scholarly researchers and promote the publication of original, high-quality scholarly articles not previously published or submitted for publication in another journal.

To rely on the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding copyright and generally accepted in the world practice provisions on publication ethics.

To focus on the coverage of publications in the following specialties: Social Sciences; International relations; Political Sciences.

To provide the results of theoretical and applied research on topical problems of the humanities and social sciences, with political science, socio-economic, international political and methodological orientation.

Provide reviews of the latest literature. 

The journal covers a wide range of research results on various aspects of socio-political, socio-economic, and historical processes.

Thematic focus of the magazine:

Current issues of global and regional security;

Issues of socio-political development;

Modern problems of economy and economic development;

Current Problems of Modern Sociology and Social Processes;

Recent Issues in History and Historical Processes.

 1.5. Journal articles are registered in the CrossRef database and each author's article is necessarily assigned a DOI - digital object identifier, which is used to provide citations, links and access to electronic documents.

1.6. The journal follows a policy of informational openness and accessibility of the authors' publications; the articles are posted on the journal website in three languages in full-text access.